Dear Sir,
My dog Gidget a German Shepherd, was born in Aug 1990, and was healthy, until she had a lump removed from her front let, on 13th July 1998. Two months after the operation, she started losing control of her back legs, and by 9th Dec 1998, the legs were totally falling on to the ground, and she had nearly no control on her legs, and was also falling down the stairs. I only gave her 6 months, and the vet gave her 12 months, before she would have to be put down. She was no longer any good, as a guard dog, so I got a pup.
I first met Doc Jamieson at dog obedience, when he said that he could help. I brought Gidget for treatment 23rd June 1999, the first of 3 treatments, she has not lost control of the legs, since the first treatment. She now only needs treatment occasionally thanks to Doc Jamieson.
Yours sincerely
Shirley Hansen